Monday, January 9, 2012

Is this real life?

I've never lived more than an hour away from my parents. I've never lived more than an hour from Atlanta (save for a few years of elementary school in New Orleans).  But now I'm moving to Nashville, Tennessee!

I'm a semester ahead in my schooling, so Agnes Scott is allowing me to take this spring away from classes and pursue an internship instead! January through May, I'll be interning with Cottage Cove. I'm super psyched.

I've had this whole "internship in lieu of school" idea swirling around in my head for over a year, and it's unreal that I'm only a few days from it becoming a reality. I'm moving up there on SundaySunday? Sunday. Everything fell into place seamlessly: finding this internship, finding a place to live, convincing authority figures to give me permission, and convincing authority figures to help me get a certain grant that I'll be living off of.

It's been eerily smooth sailing, which makes it so clear that this is where I'm sent to be. It seems like for once my plan lined up with God's plan. Or maybe it was never my own plan to begin with.

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