Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

What does it mean to really give thanks? I've been questioning my own thankfulness for quite some time, and today seems like the most appropriate day to share my thoughts.

Sure, before I eat or drink anything, I'll thank the Lord for it. But is a four-second pause really giving genuine thanks? And sure, I say "thank you" to anyone and everyone who so much as holds the door for me. But is a polite habit really sufficient? I'll be the first to admit at times it's hardly heartfelt.

How many times throughout the day do we say "thanks" aloud? For me, probably about thirty times. How many times throughout the day do we truly feel grateful? For me, probably once or twice. Maybe. My dad pours me a glass of water, my roommate brings me my forgotten key, my friend helps me with homework, my professor blesses me after a sneeze, the smiley lady scans my meal card in the dining hall.  All these actions are thoughtful, but I've but little thought into my thanks.

As for the "big things," like a healthy family, some promising opportunities, a mathematical intuition, plentiful sanitary water, salvation... I have God to thank. My quick prayers never seem enough. Even when I make an extra effort to not be half-hearted, I realize I'm probably still actually half-hearted. It feels like when you suddenly become aware of your own breathing.  He is the great Provider, the I AM, and all I can do is habitually let the words "Thanks Jesus, you're a pal," pass through my head. How can anyone really be sure that their words and their heart are really connected? How can I know if I'm really thankful, or if it's all a self-preserving act, all in my head?


Giving thanks, I'm sure, is really giving of yourself. Giving time, giving resources, giving pride. I don't need all that I have. Saying "Thank you, Jesus," can only really be heartfelt if the connected thought is, "I am so glad I've been blessed with this. I'll go share it with my neighbor."

So go. Be thankful for your family and invite someone into your home. Be thankful for your education and donate some school supplies.  Be thankful for clean water and help build a foundation in Africa. Be thankful for the cafeteria lady and ask her about her day.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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