...because a cookie baking party has mountains of cookie dough!
My small group is the best. A once or twice each semester we have traditional cookie baking marathon. This time, we baked ONE MILLION(x10^-4) cookies! Dark chocolate chip, oatmeal butterscotch, and chocolate with vanilla chips. Are you drooling yet?
Hard at work, or something like that. |
Making a mess and getting judged for it. |
Friendz 4evur. |
This junk is ridiculous. Thank you Pinterest and thank you Whitni. |
Maybe this photoset isn't actually funny. But I can't stop laughing at it.
The night included many SNL references to we finally sat down and watched some old sketches together while the cookies cooled.
The whole gang— not quite ready for the picture, but looking good anyway. |
You are correct; these do look outrageously delicious.
We looked at the hundred-or-so cookies we baked and realized we could not and should not eat them all. So we brought them as an encouraging treat to the night shift nurses at a nearby hospital, where our Bible study leader is an interning chaplain. The nurses were confused and excited to see us delivering cookies at midnight!
Happy, happy Ana with the cookies all packaged up and ready for delivery. |
We've all got another year and a half of dorm life before we live with real kitchens. And once we do, it may not be such an exciting endeavor to bake cookies. So until then, I'll keep marveling at the opportunity to mix things in a bowl, stick it in an oven, and come out with a delectable treat.
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